Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Proper Blog

Hello out there! 

One of my New Year's resolutions was to start blogging. I took some baby steps and got a Tumblr first... Which is really blogging-light. I think I've grown past Tumblr at this point, but it did have it's purpose, which was to get me used to blogging daily.

So here I am. My life is all about keeping my crazy, Gemini self, busy and entertained. I have a gypsy soul, could totally live out of a suitcase, and am a little restless in general, so my occupation varies with my mood. Currently I am cooking up a new idea, which I will talk more about later.

I have 4 (homeschooled) kids. I own a security alarm business. And am working on a second business that's wayyyyy more girly. I live on a mini-farm, and am slowly adding critters. I love love love travel. I'm a trained chef so I adore food. I am a beginner yogi, an expert walker and avoid foods that aren't foods... Like American cheese and Pop Tarts.

Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. Come have a glass of homemade wine and sit a spell.